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Community Connections - where are we now?

North Berwick Rugby Club – Tuesdays

We’re starting to use this wonderful space on a Tuesday for team meetings, volunteer training, planning and more. It’s handy for the Glen, Lime Grove, Lochbridge Rd, Tantallon Court etc. We’ll keep you posted about other new developments here! Contact if you’d like to visit us there.

Coffee Connections at the Seabird Centre – Tuesdays 2.00-3.00pm

We continue our wee gatherings of members and volunteers within the café. Contact if you’d like to join us.

Scone Café – Abbey Church Hall, Wednesdays 2-3:30pm

The return of our friendly, gentle safe space just for our members and volunteers, with Dorothy’s famous scones. Contact about coming along to join us.

St Andrew Blackadder Church, North Berwick, Thursday mornings

We’re booking Room 1 for wee meetings and one to ones with members on Thursday mornings, for good reason. We would love to meet you there for soup and scone lunch and introduce you to other friendly folk who go along – yes, the legendary Beacon lunches are returning (11-1 Thursdays)! Contact if you want to meet up there.

Our official postal address is North Berwick Community Centre, but that’s not where to find us except for occasional meetings!