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Summer has seen Scone Café thriving (Wed 2-3.30pm, Abbey Church), with many new faces and extra-enjoyable Scone Walking for those who love a glimpse of the beach – that sea air does us all good. Everyone is welcome, with any level of mobility – we go very gently, pause for breath and a blether, then head back for the scones we’ve earned.

For some, Coffee Connections (Seabird Centre 2-3pm – look for the green sign) suits best for a more intimate conversation – but both are dog-friendly and have wonderful sea views.

But if a bowl of home-made soup and/or excellent cake appeals… we’re thoroughly enjoying joining the friendly crowd at Beacon community lunch (Thursdays 11-1, St Andrew Blackadder). Ask for Community Connections – we’re usually there from 12, and will pull up a chair for you at our table.

Stronger Connections at full strength from late August!

We’re very proud that our Stronger Connections partnership has brought all three of these amazing peer support groups to North Berwick in support of local mental health, thanks to our funding from the North Berwick Trust.

Sporting Memories (Tuesdays 1.30-3pm in North Berwick Rugby Club) is well-established and full of good-humoured blethers about sports over the years (whether supporting or participating).

Keep the Heid Mental Health Café has had a great start this year (Thursdays 7pm in the Hope Rooms, Forth St) and will resume after their summer break on Thurs 31 August. A safe space to talk (when you want to) about how things are for you, with no judgment.

Andy’s Man Club is the final, crucial new stranda men-only space for those who are going through a storm or who have been through one and want to support others. Mondays 7pm, North Berwick Rugby Club.

Stronger Connections is our mental well-being peer support strand (with funding kindly provided by North Berwick Trust). We have created these partnerships to help meet the needs of folk whose mental well-being has been under strain. We have found evidence that the Covid years have sharpened many people’s struggles with mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress, bereavement, the challenges of parenting – or with trying to recover from difficult episodes of these kinds. Funding has extended our staff hours in recognition of the greater time needed to support our existing members and volunteers, but also allowed us to bring about new local peer support groups that help with these, so please let us know if you’d like to find out more or get involved.

De-mystifying death week

6th - 12th May 2024

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We are doing something a little different at the Scone Café on 12th February...we have a group of students from a local High School bringing their virtual reality headsets for everyone to try...

If you would like to re-visit a place through the magic of virtual realty, please let us know so that the students can download that location for you...either send us a message here or email

As always, the Scone Café is open to everyone, pop along for a scone and a blether...
... See MoreSee Less

We are doing something a little different at the Scone Café on 12th February...we have a group of students from a local High School bringing their virtual reality headsets for everyone to try...

If you would like to re-visit a place through the magic of virtual realty, please let us know so that the students can download that location for you...either send us a message here or email

As always, the Scone Café is open to everyone, pop along for a scone and a blether...

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Scone Café tomorrow...a change from our normal Wednesdays...back to normal next week... ... See MoreSee Less

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Scone Café tomorrow...a change from our normal Wednesdays...back to normal next week...
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This is the moment to walk out with a Buddy!


– if interested,  please contact Carol or Lynn asap!

The need for support to reconnect folk in this post-pandemic time is greater than ever.  Do you have a couple of hours a week spare?  There is no minimum commitment and we will support you fully with training.  We need help with buddy walks,  chumming to the coffee shop or helping out at Scone Cafe.  You could make a huge difference as a Community Connections volunteer.  Next in-house training dates to be announced.

Get Involved

Community Connections Services - Gatherings Updates:

SCONE CAFE – We’re thrilled to welcome so many new faces to our core activity, Scone Café (Wednesdays 2-3.30, Abbey Church Hall). But we’re equally delighted to see some of our old friends returning for the first time in a couple of years. Board games now available again – and, as ever, Dorothy’s famous scones, now with help from our wonderful Beacon Lunch friends providing extra scones to meet the demand! We keep going throughout all the seasons – see you there.

SCONE WALKING If the sunshine has inspired you to get out walking again, you can also join us for a gentle wee saunter in good company along the gorgeous Elcho Green above West Beach, with our group walk, Scone Walking (Wednesdays 2.15-2.45pm, please come at 2pm if you are new to us so we can register your details.). There’s still time for a cuppa when you get back!

COFFEE CONNECTIONS continues at the Seabird on Tuesdays (2-3pm) and sometimes we even venture out onto the deck, to get the wind in our hair. Just look out for the bright green Coffee Connections sign at our table – or ask us if you prefer someone to meet you outside.

BEACON LUNCHES We might also see you at the divine Beacon lunches (Thursdays 11-1, St Andrew Blackadder Church – voluntary donation), run by volunteers there for over 25 years – you will find Community Connections folk there most Thursdays 12-1, enjoying the wonderful soups and cakes! Ask for us at the door.

NEED A LIFT? No problem – contact our friends at North Berwick Volunteer Car Scheme for a regular weekday lift with a friendly volunteer driver, for a voluntary donation. Contact Scheme Co-ordinator Bex on 07536 388 753, between 9am and 12noon, Monday to Friday.

Buddy Walks Volunteers

Time for a fresh start? We are still keen to recruit new volunteers to join our incredible team.  All details here.

View Vacancies

One to One Community Connections Services

BUDDY WALKS – Our one-to-one Buddy Walks continue to be so popular that there’s a waiting list for now. Please note that our group walk, Scone Walking (see above) is a great option for you meantime – just let us know if you’d like to try them. Gets you out to feel the wind in your hair and new life in your limbs, in great company. Contact Lynn.

BEFRIENDING is another option – usually a weekly chat with one of our friendly, PVG-checked volunteers. Phone calls are possible if you prefer. We encourage you to get out for coffee together when you can, and later on you might like to meet some of our other members. But home visits are occasionally possible, if you’re unable to go out just now. Contact Lynn.

COMPASSIONATE COMMUNITIES is a growing social movement to end loneliness and social isolation for people in our communities affected by bereavement or by a life-limiting condition. Through attending our popular public events or taking part in EASE (End of Life Skills) training, you could learn to support people in your family or community facing these challenges, and help open up the conversation around death and dying. Another option is to become a Compassionate Neighbour volunteer through St Columba’s Hospice, which can be hugely rewarding. Through building genuine friendships, you will have the chance to change lives, including your own. We hope you will consider working alongside us to promote compassion in our local communities. More information on EASE training and the Truacanta Project behind it can be found here

Contact Carol to find out more about this part of Community Connections’ work.

What We Do

Community Connections tackles isolation and helps people connect to their local community.

Would you like more company, conversations and connections in your life?

We can introduce you to new folk, meet you for coffee, chum you along on a walk and help you make the most of your days, whatever the season!

Is it time to venture back to the cafe and reconnect with others, or make new friends? Say the word and we can help.

In our work we find that the best predictor of your current mental health is your “relational health”, or connectedness.
– Dr Bruce Perry, neuroscientist, 2020

Would you like to collaborate with us, to help meet both your group’s aims and ours? We’re working closely with more and more local groups and increasing our networking reach. Please see our Community and our Partnerships sections.

Find out more about us

'Community Connections' Monthly Newsletter

Not ready to take part in our activities yet, want to think about it first, or just want to stay in touch with what we’re doing? Then allow us to send you our cheering, colourful and informative monthly newsletter, by post or email. Just contact Ruth.

HAVE A HAPPIER YEAR WITH COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS! We’re delighted to connect with you in any way that feels right for you. Just get in touch and we’ll discuss your needs.

Ask for our help

We tackle social isolation in the North Berwick Coastal Ward. Our services include Scone Café, befriending, chumming to new activities, Coffee Connections meet-ups, Buddy Walks, monthly Community Connections newsletter.

Would you like to request our service?

Would you like to refer someone else to our service?

Group photo of attendees at Community Connections Coffee Connections Scottish Seabird Centre
Group photo of volunteers for Community Connections

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Become a volunteer and make a real difference in your local community.

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