Set up as a pilot project by North Berwick Coastal Health and Wellbeing Association in April 2019, NBCCC was registered as a charity in September 2020 and has operated as an organisation in its own right since April 2021. Working with a small part-time staff team , most of our services are delivered by a dedicated team of trained volunteers. Our members are referred by a range of organisations and individuals including GPs, other health professionals and community members (including self-referrals). Anyone over 18 in the North Berwick Coastal Ward who is affected by isolation can be referred.
We have received generous funding support from North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership, North Berwick Trust, East Lothian Council, the Cooperative Society, McCarthy Stone Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund.
In our first four years, we’ve helped well over 100 socially isolated adults connect into local networks, gatherings, new friendships and purposeful activity.
Although our face-to-face activities had to be put on hold during the first Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, we quickly responded to this situation by introducing a telephone befriending service which allowed members to have regular calls with a volunteer. Later on, we added one to one Buddy Walks. Eventually, Coffee Connections became possible for small numbers in local cafes. From late 2021, we revived our legendary Scone Cafe – only temporarily halted by Omicron, and now more successful than ever!
In 2022, we launched the Compassionate Neighbours project, in partnership with North Berwick Compassionate Communities, to support individuals and their families facing a terminal diagnosis..
In early 2023, we began our Stronger Connections mental well-being strand, in partnership with other agencies helping members and volunteers who have found the pandemic years exacerbated their anxiety, stress, bereavement or depression.
New possibilities and partnerships are always on the horizon, as we evolve to meet the changing needs of local people.

What we offer today
- Coffee Connections in local cafes – reconnecting to the outside world
- Scone Café, our legendary weekly drop-in (Wednesdays 2-3.30pm, Abbey Church Small Hall)
- Befriending (telephone and in person)
- Buddy walks – led by trained volunteers, helping you regain your physical well-being outdoors
- Chumming members to local groups and events
- Compassionate Neighbours – befriending people facing a terminal diagnosis
- Links to similar activities in villages across the Coastal Ward
- Community Connections, our monthly newsletter distributed to all of our members, volunteers and partner organisations
Our future plans
We’ve got exciting plans for the future, including:
- Bringing about new peer support groups for those experiencing depression, anxiety and bereavement
- Supporting new parents and young families to reduce loneliness, isolation and loss of confidence
Our Team
Board of trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the charity’s financial and strategic planning and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Advisory committee
Our Board meets regularly with members of the Advisory Committee who represent a range of other organisations with an interest in the work undertaken by NBCCC to discuss progress and future development plans.
We are supported by a small, part-time staff team of:
Nicky Parker – Operations Manager
Fay Gourlay – Administration and Communications Coordinator
Lynn Artesse – One to One Services Coordinator
Kerry Kirkwood – Compassionate Communities Coordinator
We have a team of 45 volunteers, all of whom are PVG-checked and undertake training prior to commencing to work with the project.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you do this?
We believe in connecting people together, because we all need to be part of something bigger.
How do I get involved?
You can refer yourself or someone else, volunteer, donate, spark off new ideas and partnerships, spread the word for us. Get in touch to start the conversation.
What is Befriending?
Our befrienders are trained and carefully matched with members to build a trusting, mutually beneficial relationship. They arrange to call or meet with you regularly (usually once a week) and we check in regularly to make sure everyone’s happy.
What is the difference between Coffee Connections and Scone Cafe?
They’re both welcoming, inclusive coffee gatherings led by our wonderful volunteers, and they are both dog-friendly, with a great view of the sea!
The main difference is that Coffee Connections is held in local cafes, primarily the Seabird Centre, so you order your treats at the counter (or we can give you a hand with that) and get used to being out in the town again. Scone Café is just for us, at Abbey Church Hall, and is especially recommended for new members who need to rebuild their social confidence and start to build a regular routine again.
What are Buddy Walks?
These are walks tailored to your needs, with volunteers trained to risk-assess a suitable path that works for your level of mobility and current health. You’ll usually meet once a week and walk only for as long as feels comfortable. We often go for coffee afterwards – yes, that again!
Annual Reports
Our Policies
We have developed a full range of policies and procedures to make sure our members, staff and volunteers can interact safely. If you have any queries or concerns on these, please contact our Safeguarding Officer, Becky Everett, on